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Romancing The Mirror

A call for scores and poetry by female creators

The Museum of Contemporary Art and Bold City Contemporary Ensemble are thrilled to announce a collaborative, world-wide call for scores (music) or poetry for an exhibit housed at MOCA's Jacksonville gallery from December 4th 2020 to June 2021.  


Romancing the Mirror, now open to the public, is a group show of seven women artists that are shaping a new aesthetic framework grounded in disrupting the narrative of the male gaze as a source of female identity. The artists featured, painters Frances Goodman, Jenna Gribbon, Hayv Kahraman, Tschablala Self, and sculptors Diana Al-Hadid, Karen LaMonte, and Nevine Mahmoud take themselves, their lives and environments as narrative subjects challenging classical depictions of women in art. They tell a different story, presenting a female sense of self and way of looking at the world through an antiheroic, vulnerable and often playful lens. 

We invite interested composers and poets who identify as female to view the digital gallery and submit works that relate to, are inspired by, or in reaction to the artwork. We ask that submissions include a very detailed description of why the work (composition or poetry) pairs with the visual art, and also ask that these descriptions  as well as the submitted work be available for inclusion in live performance programming and video recording by BCCE and MOCA ad infinitum.  


Poetry submissions will be presented with improvised music by BCCE musicians.

Music submissions should be no longer than 7 minutes in length but may be as short as 2 minutes in length.  Any of the following instruments in any combination, including solo instruments may be used:

Clarinet (Bb, A, E flat, Bass clarinet)

Flute (including piccolo, and alto flute)

Alto saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Barritone Saxophone

Oboe, English Horn


French horn 








Piano (likely an electric instrument of high quality will be used)

Percussion - Standard percussion instruments. Mallet instruments available: vibraphone, glockenspiel, marimba, ( 4.3 octaves)

Electro-acoustic works will be considered for all instruments

This call will be open on a rolling basis. When a piece of visual art is matched with the perfect musical/poetical submission, that visual art will be removed from the list  

Please see the list of available list of works , view the digital gallery video, and apply here:




All questions can be directed to Boja Kragulj (artistic director) at

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© 2020 The Bold City Contemporary Ensemble 

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